In Person Six-week Level One course with Rosie Gold
7:30 PM19:30

In Person Six-week Level One course with Rosie Gold

Newish to yoga or looking to feel more confident with your practice? Then you need Rosie Gold’s Level One course. It's for anyone that's done a little yoga but needs a refresher. Over six gentle hour-long sessions she will build help you build a practice.  
Time: 7.30pm-8.30pm

Dates: 4, 11 (no class June 18) 25 June and 2, 9, 16 July

Cost: £80

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 Candlelit Yoga, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Seasonal Supper with Breige Corr Coward
7:00 PM19:00

Candlelit Yoga, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Seasonal Supper with Breige Corr Coward

Spring  - Movement Sound Supper Experience

A workshop with Breige combines three things, accessible movement to gently open the body, a crystal bowl sound experience to soothe the senses and healing bowl of home cooked food plus dessert to nourish your from the inside out.  An evening to calm the nervous system and prepare for the creative and cleansing energy of spring!

Spring is associated with the Liver and its wise little friend the Gallbladder.  Together they keep everything in flow, absorbing nutrients and detoxifying the blood. It is also associated with the element of wood; gentle, persistent, and filled with creative potential.  Wood expands from the center; rooted, flexible, yielding, and strong.  

It’s easy to get caught up in spring’s intense new energies so it is good to work towards getting grounded, Take time to stretch and yawn the body open.  As we emerge from our winter cocoon.

Price: £40

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Sunday Breather with Susan Ateh
12:00 PM12:00

Sunday Breather with Susan Ateh

Have you given yourself time to reflect of late?
What feels stagnant and needs to move through?
What feels ready to emerge within you?

In this ever-evolving journey of life, we possess the innate ability to transform, just like nature gracefully transitions through its seasons. We hold the power to awaken our true selves and blossom into the individuals we aspire to be. My intention during our time together is for us to embrace the winds of change, reawaken our spirits, and emerge stronger, wiser, and more vibrant than ever before.
In each 90-min session together we will explore our personal relationship to ourselves and how the breath can be a powerful vehicle to reawakening what we hold most dear and may want to pursue.

Sundays May 12th, 19th, 26th, 12-1:30pm 
Price: £45 (for the three week course or £20 per session)

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Hope: a day retreat for spring
12:30 PM12:30

Hope: a day retreat for spring

Rosie and Briege have created this day retreat as an opportunity to welcome your practice into the spring energy an opportunity to flow, nourish, rest and receive. An afternoon where you are able to see your practice as a way of connecting with your community and coming together to feel a sense of hope even when things can feel quite the opposite .

Beginning with a dynamic yoga practice, we'll pause for a nourishing lunch together. We'll then move through a restorative practice which will end in a blissful sound bath led by Breige, sending you out with a spring in your step and a feeling of connection.

Price: £65

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In-Person Beginners Yoga Course with Rosie Gold
6:00 PM18:00

In-Person Beginners Yoga Course with Rosie Gold

New to yoga or looking to feel more confident with your practice? Then you need Rosie Gold’s beginners course. It’s for anyone who can’t touch their toes, anyone scared of yoga, anyone who eats too much, drinks too much and pretends they run more than they do. Over four gentle hour-long sessions she will build you a basic yoga practice at a comfortable, approachable pace. Introducing a new aspect of yoga each week she will demystify a practice which can be opaque and intimidating to the uninitiated, providing you with an understanding of the fundamental poses, breathing techniques and ways to relax your mind and body. The course will give you the confidence to join in any Level One or Dynamic class.

When: 6-7pm four Tuesdays from April 23rd

 Cost: £50

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Ground in Order to Spring with Naomi Annand
12:00 PM12:00

Ground in Order to Spring with Naomi Annand

As the new season approaches, Naomi will be clearing the ground, settling the nerves and preparing a solid base from which she plans to march in March. This two-hour workshop will begin with nurturing, grounding poses and breath work - the intention being to connect with yourself and with the earth. This will be followed by an uplifting sequence, full of energy and faces turned towards the sun, leaving you recharged and ready to spring into Spring.

Price: £30

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Therapeutic Yoga for Stress and Fatigue with Anna Taylor
2:00 PM14:00

Therapeutic Yoga for Stress and Fatigue with Anna Taylor

Stress affects us all at points in our lives. Whilst short bursts of stress can be necessary to stimulate and activate us, operating in this mode over long periods of time simply depletes us. When suffering with stress we can feel a huge tiredness in our bodies but spinning activity in our minds which make the rest that we crave hard to access. This workshop will explore what happens in our bodies when we get stressed and yoga tools that we can reach for to restore a sense of calm and access deep rest. The session will incorporate the gentle, but powerful 'pawanmuktasana' joint-releasing series which will ease tension from tip to toe, allowing energy to flow freely but calmly through the body again. Once the body has found some ease we will drop into restorative stillness to soak up deep rest. Open al all. No experience of yoga necessary. 

Cost: £35

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Qigong & Mindful Movement for Winter with Emma Tian Williamson
6:00 PM18:00

Qigong & Mindful Movement for Winter with Emma Tian Williamson

On this five-week course you will come into a closer relationship with your body and inner experience through the traditional Chinese practice of qigong and mindful movement. Led by qigong, yoga and mindfulness teacher Emma Tian Williamson, you will explore the benefits of qigong practices following Chinese Five Element Philosophy, which takes its cue from nature and our connection to the seasons.

Across the five weeks you will:

·      Learn qigong practices to encourage internal balance and ease through Winter months.

·      Experience the benefits of mindful movement to calm the mind and nervous system.

·      Practice gentle, steady movements to warm the muscles and increase circulation.

·      Feel more connected to your body and subtle energies.

 Classes will build across the course with new movements added each week, alongside other complementary practices to ease you in and out of sessions including meditation, tapping, self-massage and breathwork. This course is suitable for all abilities. Beginners are very welcome.

1 Feb - 29 Feb 2024, Thursdays 6 - 7pm

Price: £65

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New Year, Same You with Naomi Annand, online via zoom.
10:00 AM10:00

New Year, Same You with Naomi Annand, online via zoom.

‘If you can think of times in your life that you’ve treated people with extraordinary decency and love, and pure uninterested concern, just because they were valuable as human beings. The ability to do that with ourselves. To treat ourselves the way we would treat a really good, precious friend. Or a tiny child of ours that we absolutely loved more than life itself. And I think it’s probably possible to achieve that. I think part of the job we’re here for is to learn how to do this’ David Foster Wallace

New year, same you! Time to befriend yourself with some heart nourishing practice and physically enlivening flow. Using mindfulness meditation techniques and yoga asana, this workshop will be an opportunity to meet yourself where you are and where you might be. All levels welcome.

Price: £30

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Grounded and Centred - a New Year Retreat with Rosie, Katrina and Breige
12:30 PM12:30

Grounded and Centred - a New Year Retreat with Rosie, Katrina and Breige

As we enter a new year, there is often a refreshing feeling of a new beginning and perhaps, if we're being honest, an accompanying feeling that we are not (or what we have is not) enough. In come the resolutions, and while they may be positive in intention and nature, would it not be better to ask why we feel distant from this vision of ourselves in the first place? What small, achievable practices could we practice daily that would help us feel more connected to ourselves? Through yoga, we systematically declutter all of the stuff that covers our true self, or Ātman. We recognise and see beyond the things we identify with - the stories and beliefs we've learned to tell ourselves - to reveal our true nature which is always there, unchanging. A yoga practice can often end in this feeling of re-remembering - a blissful, peaceful connection to our deepest self. From this space, our truest intentions unfold. 

Rosie and Katrina have created this day retreat as an opportunity to drop in after the rush of the holidays and the new year. To draw your energy back to yourself and begin the new year feeling aligned and centred. We'll present simple, daily practices to take home with you and a small gift to help remind you to recentre when you need. Beginning with a dynamic yoga practice, we'll pause for a nourishing lunch together. We'll then move through a restorative practice which will end in a blissful sound bath by Breige, sending you out in the new year feeling grounded and connected to yourself again.

Price: £65

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A Flow For Peace
3:00 PM15:00

A Flow For Peace

As the year winds down and the nights draw in, this moment in the calendar can offer a period of reflection as we look both forward and back. Who doesn’t want peace? Peace in our own hearts and peace for all beings on the planet. This workshop, that includes a flow taught by Elisa, a sound bath from Breige and closes with a glass of mulled wine, will be offered as a shared desire and commitment to peace for the coming year.

Price: £40

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Slow the Yin Down
7:00 PM19:00

Slow the Yin Down

Mark and Henry are delighted to be back at Yoga on the Lane from Thursday 9th November at 7pm for six weeks offering a stilling 75 min class to cultivate a deep sense of awareness through the release of mind and body stresses. The practice will be slow-paced, using breath, meditation and longer held supported yin postures to apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body, increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Join us at “slow the yin down” to find a sense of balance, rest and recovery for the mind and body.

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 Candlelit Yoga, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Seasonal Supper with Breige Corr Coward
7:00 PM19:00

Candlelit Yoga, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Seasonal Supper with Breige Corr Coward

Join Breige for some gentle movement, sound meditation and supper. Tuning into the body she will guide you through a gentle breath lead yoga practice which is suitable for every body. In the practice you will work with the elements of the season so that the movement supports you from the inside out. This will lead into a crystal singing bowl sound meditation where you will be supported with lots of blankets, bolsters, eye bags and doTerra aromatherapy oils. A cocoon of your own creation.
The evening will finish with a macrobiotic inspired light supper which will consist of a warm bowl of food and a dessert. Both dishes are designed to nourish the body and complement the autumn. All the food is plant-based, sugar and gluten free and made with a lot of love.

Price: £35

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As the sun goes down: an online workshop with Naomi Annand
6:00 PM18:00

As the sun goes down: an online workshop with Naomi Annand

A workshop to move slowly, unhurried – a mantra of ‘I am going to take my time’ to harness the power and the strength in this slow-time. A chance to flow through some playful vinyasa practice, to experience some lightness of mind and being. A workshop where you can come as yourself and celebrate you, just as you are. Teachings to remind you of your power and support for self-agency and deep enquiry in breath work and meditation to support deep and rejuvenating rest.

Everyone and every body welcome. Accessible practice for all. Please reach out if you have questions. Recording available for two weeks

Price: £35 

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Teaching yoga to teens with Rakhee Jasani and Naomi Annand
to Jul 2

Teaching yoga to teens with Rakhee Jasani and Naomi Annand

Join Rakhee and Naomi for an online two-hour workshop and discussion on teaching yoga to teens. In this workshop Rakhee will outline some of the physical, physiological and psychological changes that take place as children transition through puberty and adolescence. We will also explore the modern place of teenagers in society and how yoga can support them to navigate through school, friendships, social media and a growing independence into adulthood. This is a practical session which will support you to transfer the skills you have teaching yoga to younger children or adults to teaching tweens and teens.

Recording Available. £40

(Email if you’d like to recording)

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Pregnancy Loss Sharing Circle with Carlotta Bozzetti and Cher Brighton
3:00 PM15:00

Pregnancy Loss Sharing Circle with Carlotta Bozzetti and Cher Brighton

In the UK, it is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth. Yet there is very little acknowledgement of the emotional and spiritual impact that these events can have on families. The support that is needed to process the grief and begin to heal is often lacking, and individuals and couples are left with their difficult emotions, alone.

We welcome to this circle women, partners and men who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or infant loss.

By gathering in circle, participants have the opportunity to be witnessed in their full experience and to acknowledge the wide range of emotions that surround pregnancy and birth loss such as sadness, guilt, anger, and emptiness, within a supportive container.

In the safe space of the circle you can expect:

· Opening circle – sharing time

· Gentle movement – restorative yoga

· Letter writing

· Meditation

· Closing circle

We invite the participants to bring to the circle some papers and a pen, and also an item (this could be an object, a picture etc.) that holds meaning for them.

Every pregnancy is a rite of passage, and we will use rituals to acknowledge and honour your experience.


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Spring Equinox Yoga and Sound Workshop with Elisa de Grey and Breige Corr
3:00 PM15:00

Spring Equinox Yoga and Sound Workshop with Elisa de Grey and Breige Corr

Spring Equinox workshop with Elisa and Breige inspired by text from Women Who Run With The Wolves 🐺

This is a workshop for women or anyone who identifies as a woman.

As the season shifts into early spring, in Five Element Theory spring is connected to our liver and its wise little friend the gallbladder.  Together they keep everything in flow, body, mind and spirit ⛩ 

Our liver is the second largest organ in our body and anything that comes into the body has got to past through the liver…it’s check point control, the sorting office and storage facility. 

It also connects to the tendons, nails and eyes. 

Spring associated with the element of wood; gentle, persistent and filled with creative potential.  Wood reminds us to get grounded.  As the spring energy begins to rise, like wood, we can use the season to take deep roots, become the container for the rising energy and expand from within.

Elisa will guide a sequence of movement to nourish the liver.  We will then get very cosy for a crystal bowl sound meditation and finish a bowl of something hot to nourish the liver.

Come as you are, take what you need 🙌

Love Elisa & Breige


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Gut Health Nutrition Workshop with Will Martin
12:30 PM12:30

Gut Health Nutrition Workshop with Will Martin

Gut health: fermented foods

 Looking to discover how nutrition can make you feel calmer, balanced and more energised? Then join Will for a 90-minute nutrition workshop where you’ll learn the nutritional tools that work for you and your schedule. 

We will explore the gut microbiome – its role in supporting good gut health including immune system regulation, balancing mood and the relationship between the gut and the brain (gut-brain axis). We will also explore the signs and symptoms which may indicate potential gut issues and how simple changes to your nutrition can improve your digestive health, reduce stress and improve wellbeing. The workshop will begin with an educational talk followed by a practical session where you will have the opportunity to ferment your own foods and discover delicious ways to included fermented foods into your diet. The food will be plant-based and gluten-free.

This workshop is open to all and will give I hope will give you the confidence to make sustainable nutritional changes.  

Please see his website for more information:

Price: £25

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A four-week in-person yoga and meditation course with Naomi Annand 
6:00 PM18:00

A four-week in-person yoga and meditation course with Naomi Annand 

Each session will follow a similar format. We will start with a gentle opening sequence, a flow, some pranayama and meditation  and finish with some restorative yoga.  

One week will be backbend focused, another week twists and each session will have its own story of shapes that I love to practice. I’ll be sharing what these practices mean to me and hoping to inspire you to include them in your home-sequences some more. 

These sessions are open to all abilities and experience. There’s just 16 spots for the live in-person course but for those of you further afield or struggling to make the live sessions, the recordings of each session will be available to purchase (audio only). 

Four Thursdays from 9th February, 6-7.15pm


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The Art of Self-Practice with Naomi Annand LINK DOWNLOAD
6:00 PM18:00

The Art of Self-Practice with Naomi Annand LINK DOWNLOAD


How can you develop a yoga practice that works for the life you lead?
Join Naomi for this Zoom workshop to create the kind of self-practice that works for you, your body and your schedule. Learn the tools you need to create your own personal yoga practice, tailored to you, one that you can meaningfully integrate into your life.
We will discuss how to craft a sequence, how to give it focus and how to tailor a session with your lifestyle in mind. We'll start with a discussion, before moving into creating and practicing your very own class.
This workshop is open to all students who want to develop a self-practice, except complete beginners.


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Preparing The Ground: a Workshop with Elisa de Grey
3:00 PM15:00

Preparing The Ground: a Workshop with Elisa de Grey

At this time of year a gardener’s head is full of the dreamy plants she plans to grow. However, it will remain a dream if the ground isn’t taken care of. Similarly, much is made of resolution and intention, but perhaps a futile endeavour, when the foundations are spent and ragged. So here is a workshop to help! The days are still short and dark, the natural world is still dormant. We will mirror this with a gentle practice including plenty of pranayama and meditation and reflect on ways to sustain ourselves in a 24 hour world, powered by electric light. See this two and half hour, candlelit workshop as a healthy mulch!


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Comfort and Joy - A seasonal practice and sound bath with Elisa and Breige
3:00 PM15:00

Comfort and Joy - A seasonal practice and sound bath with Elisa and Breige

Join Breige and Elisa for a two hour workshop celebrating the season and ending with a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Elisa will lead a full, physical practice appropriate to the time of year, including pranayama and meditation. Meanwhile, Breige will fill the air with her fragrant oils and soft bells. This practice will leave you hailing the winter solstice and at peace with the celebrations ahead. All experiences are welcome.

Price: £30

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Therapeutic Yoga for Soothing Stress Relief with Dr Chantell Douglas
2:00 PM14:00

Therapeutic Yoga for Soothing Stress Relief with Dr Chantell Douglas

Join Dr Chantell Douglas, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mindful Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist to explore practices to promote soothing, stress and tension relief for the body, mind and spirit. PPractices will be grounded in the science and research-base for psychological wellbeing and sleep, and the ancient wisdom of the yoga framework. The workshop will include mindful and restorative yoga postures that are gentle, rhythmic and releasing, breath work, mantra, meditation and deep rest. It will include a short talk on the science base, tea break, and reflective journaling to start exploring these ideas for yourself, in the session and afterwards, to continue cultivating practices for calm and release.


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Yoga for Motherhood with Naomi Annand, online via Zoom.
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga for Motherhood with Naomi Annand, online via Zoom.

Like every woman I know, my experience of motherhood has been one of extraordinary highs and serious sanity-endangering lows. It’s changed who am I and how I view the world; opening up new ways of being that I never imagined possible. But, it’s also been stressful like nothing else I’ve ever done and has challenged my sense of self; putting me incredible strain physically and emotionally. Throughout this extraordinary experience the thing that has kept me going is yoga. It’s grounded me when I felt unmoored, picked me up and given me energy when I was running on empty, created pockets of calm where previously there had been none. 

This workshop will be a chance for you to find some release in a community of other mothers. It doesn’t matter what your age, whether you’re pregnant or your child is 3 or 43, this is a chance for you to connect, release and hopefully feel inspired. Why not come with some mum mates or even your own mum.

Price: £25

Or £40 and I’ll send you a signed copy of Yoga for Motherhood.

Postage applies. Please email to arrange.

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The Yoga  Manifesto: A Workshop with Nadia Gilani
7:00 PM19:00

The Yoga Manifesto: A Workshop with Nadia Gilani

Join Nadia yoga teacher and author of The Yoga Manifesto: how yoga helped me and why it needs to save itself. The evening will kick off with a 75 minute dynamic practice followed by tea and conversation. Nadia will introduce her book, share a reading and answer any questions you might have. You'll also have the opportunity to buy Nadia's book and maybe hear an informal short reading (if you've already got a copy of the book feel free to bring it along if you'd like to get it signed!)

Price: £25

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